2004年核データ研究会 |
2004年11月11,12日に行われた核データ研究会のポスターセッションでの発表について紹介します。 | |
Calculations of the Peak Efficiency Curve of an HPGe Detector up to 11 MeV with EGS4 and GEANT4 |
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A precise efficiency curve up to 11 MeV is needed for the precise determination of g-ray intensities. The typical method of the determination of a peak efficiency curve of an HPGe detector is fitting measured data sets. This method has a maximum deviation of 2 % in this energy range. In this work, we propose the determination method of an efficiency curve up to 11 MeV with 0.5 % accuracy with the aid of the Monte Carlo cords EGS4 and GEANT4. |
Precise Measurement of Prompt g-ray in the 14N(n,g)15N Reaction |
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For determination of relative g-ray intensities up to 11MeV in the 14N(n,g)15N reaction within 1.0 % accuracy, we measured using liquid nitrogen target and applied an intensity balance method. Since this target does not contain hydrogen, it has few backgrounds from 1H(n,g) reaction, and single measurement is possible for the nitrogen peak of under 2 MeV. We preformed single measurements five times on different conditions. Results were consistent and able to determine intensity at 0.3 - 0.5% of accuracy. |